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Business and Biodiversity Forum

  • Calendar December 2nd, 2016
  • Time 08:00


Main Objectives:

  •  To present novel perspectives to address biodiversity conservation from the private sector perspective, including the economic analysis required for business decision making, investment opportunities and financing conditions, as well as mainstreaming biodiversity in specific sectors, and other relevant topics.
  • To enable the exchange of experiences, challenges and innovative ideas on mainstreaming biodiversity into productive processes.
  • To also enable the exchange of ideas with Ministers of the CBD Parties attending the Conference, international experts and other relevant figures.
  • To facilitate reflection on how biodiversity is essential to maintain economic prosperity and social well-being; favoring a pledge to convey the importance of its conservation and sustainable use. Never before has such a pledge been presented within the context of a Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity of the United Nations.

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