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Business, Biodiversity and Climate Change Conference

  • Calendar May 16th, 2018
  • Time 08:00

This text is take from the Indian Business and Biodiversity Initiative

“This conference is designed to encourage discussion and exchange of ideas on how to leverage existing technology, innovation and available tools of various platforms with cross-sector collaboration involving business, government, NGOs and academia in sustainable management of businesses. This could be achieved through managing our natural capital. The conference will provide a forum to showcasing best practices in business and bring out the positive effects of mainstreaming biodiversity conservation in achieving sustainable development.

Why Attend?

  • Understand the role of businesses in achieving India’s commitments towards national and multilateral agreements in addressing climate change and biodiversity issues
  • Learn and build capacity by knowing the available best practices, solutions and tools for sustainable development of businesses and enhancing brand reputation
  • Networking with top leading businesses, government and experts working in the field of biodiversity, climate change and circular economy
  • Explore the available opportunities for collaborating towards similar business interests”

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