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Connecting Finance and Natural Capital

  • Calendar April 23rd, 2018
  • Time 11:00

Join us in Hong Kong for the Official Launch of the ‘Connecting Finance and Natural Capital: Supplement to the Natural Capital Protocol’

The ‘Connecting Finance and Natural Capital: Supplement to the Natural Capital Protocol’ provides financial institutions with standardized guidance on how to incorporate environmental risks and opportunities into lending, investment and insurance decision-making.

The guidance was developed through pre-competitive collaboration across the financial sector, and offers flexible guidance for integrating natural capital across assets and portfolios.
Join us in Hong Kong for unique first access to the final guidance, the chance to hear practical case studies from other leading financial institutions around the world, and debate the drivers and challenges that we face when becoming pioneers of natural capital in the sector.
Event will be offered in two parts:

  1. A plenary introduction discussing how natural capital relates to the finance sector, content of the supplement, sharing experience and how to scale
  2. A workshop style session to simulate how a financial institution could begin, or further, the natural capital process
Only necessary prerequisitie is an interest in non-financial capitals!
Read on and register here.

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