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Future of Nature & Business

  • Calendar March 31st, 2020
  • Time 15:00

This text is taken from World Economic Forum And UNEP-WCMC.

“UNEP-WCMC and the World Economic Forum are very pleased to invite you to a multi-stakeholder virtual workshop on the Future of Nature and Business. The workshop will be held on a Zoom video-conference on 31 March 2020, from 15:00-17:00 CET.

The landmark IPBES Global Assessment Report highlighted the scale of continued biodiversity loss and contributed to transforming the focus from minimising impact on biodiversity to managing increasing risks from the decline in natural capital on which our socioeconomic systems depend. It confirmed that a focus on addressing the drivers of biodiversity loss and creating better biodiversity outcomes is required if we are to achieve the SDGs and global sustainability.

The World Economic Forum is mobilizing its multi-stakeholder community including a large group of senior business leaders to support the biodiversity agenda, building momentum for the adoption of an ambitious and meaningful global biodiversity framework in Kunming in October 2020.

…This virtual workshop is a key milestone to gather specific input for the report, including views on:

  • Are we prioritizing the right business transitions needed to halt nature loss by 2030?
  • Are we proposing the transition through the right business opportunities? Are there any missing?
  • What systemic changes are needed to successfully achieve and fast-track each transition? And where will public-private collaboration be most critical?”

Read on and register here.

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