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I Webinar of the Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity on the Natural Capital Protocol

  • Calendar April 3rd, 2018
  • Time 00:00

This text was taken from I Webinar of the Global Partnership of the CBD on the Natural Capital Protocol .

“First Webinar of the Global Partnership of the CBD on the Natural Capital Protocol

First session: 9:00-10:30  GMT time
Registration URL:

Webinar ID: 599-853-843

Second session: 16:00-17.30  GMT time

Webinar ID: 674-152-123

There is a growing recognition that appropriate valuation and management of natural capital is key to sustainable development. All businesses have impacts and dependencies on nature and therefore there is a need for a structured approach to address this.

Therefore in July 2016, Natural Capital Coalition launched the Natural Capital Protocol, a global standardized framework for business to identify, measure and value its direct and indirect impacts and dependencies on natural capital.

The Global Partnership of the Convention of Biological Diversity will host a series of two webinars in April 3rd and April 10th 2018 where the Natural Capital Coalition will:

  • Present the Protocol framework,
  • Provide examples of how it is already being used by companies,
  • Discuss the opportunities and challenges around adoption.

Program of the first webinar,  April 3rd 2018:

  • Why natural capital matters in the context of the CBD agenda (representative of CBD-Secretariat – TBC)
  • WHY?: Framing the assessment (Rodrigo Fernández-Mellado, Biodiversity Node)
  • WHAT?: Defining the scope (Marta Santamaría, Natural Capital Coalition)
  • An application (representative from a company – TBC)”


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