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Natural Capital Investment

  • Calendar November 25th, 2019
  • Time 00:00

This text is taken directly from Environmental Finance.

Environmental Finance has held forestry and water conferences for the past decade and this year we are combining the two and expanding what we cover under the collective title of “Natural Capital Investment“. The conference will run alongside Environmental Finance’s Green Equities conference to provide attendees with additional networking opportunities during the breaks.

The integral role that Natural Capital investment can play in building climate resilience has never received so much widespread attention. The market is evolving rapidly and with It comes increasing numbers of opportunities.

Yet there is still much to be developed and understood in this space. This event will cover the various opportunities through thematic spotlights in water, forestry, oceans, biodiversity and agriculture, while also considering the overarching themes and challenges that apply to natural capital investment as a whole.

We look forward to discussing why natural capital investment is important – not simply from a doing good perspective but also from an investment returns and risk assessment perspective.”

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