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Sustainable Landscapes and Commodities Forum

  • Calendar November 20th, 2019
  • Time 00:00

This text was taken directly from the Innovation Forum.

This two day business conference will debate and showcase real world solutions to the most pressing and urgent challenges in commodity supply chains. We’ll look at what’s driving value chain change and how business is working to deliver on increasingly difficult sustainability targets.


This track will highlight leading sustainable agriculture practices and explore initiatives driving climate resilience within supply chains.


This track will break down the challenges faced in removing deforestation from company supply chains, and look at the steps necessary for business to implement policies beyond 2020.


This track will assess how business can build resilience in smallholder supply chains and ensure social, environmental and economic sustainability for farmers.

Tech & Innovation

This track will explore the latest innovations and solutions in agri-tech and how can these be leveraged effectively to build sustainable landscapes.

Read on and register here.

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